A recent example of why this is relevant is the act that they're thinking about passing which is about sex offenders/rape. There are three main topics I want to talk about in this essay. One is about rape, then pedifile, lastly law makers.
To begin with there are many cruel people in this world that can simply ruin someone's life. I was reading this post about a guy who had raped his own daughter that was only 9 years old. The little girl has a future and after having to be raped maybe she doesn't wanna live anymore. Imagine how bad she might feel inside. No one in this world deserves to be treated bad or taken advantage of.
Secondly, there are many pedifiles in this world. These people don't think about younger child's life. They should be with ladies the same age as them not ruin a little girl's life. In addition the government is so naive that they can't even put a stop to all this. Everyone has their own opinions on things like this but many just don't hear what others have to say. This is a free country and you have the right to speak up for yourself and others.
Lastly, law makers are so unfair. Law makers don't think about others they are so selfish that they make laws that are so naive. For example the act about sex offenders/rape. I was reading a post that said if a 21 year old men rapes an under age girl they might get court depending if their parents are fine with it or not. On the other hand if a gay guy has sex with another guy he is being charged for sex offender. Our president is such a naive person he is so racist and rude. Since he became president many bad stuff started happening. For example the kids are taken away from their parents and being put into cages, so cruel.
In conclusion, the world is so tragic there can be many harm such as rapist, and pedifiles. Also, these law makers are so mindless that they don't think twice about the laws they make. What if you were the president in this country? What would you change and how will you do it ?
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